UUCP: uunet!wa3wbu!ka3adu!dave Dave Hultberg KA3UZR CIS: 72437,3215
1407 Concord Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 89 14:18:03 CST
From: dube@cpdvax.csc.ti.com (DUBE TODD)
Subject: military call signs.........etc.
Several prople have correctly cited the freedom to listen to any radio communications. I support that. However, Balinski asked about the aircraft home base,
etc. While thr radio transmissions he heard were obviously unclassified, the association of the call signs with aircraft type, unit of assignment and home baseis classified information. That is why I asked why he was interested in that
information. The "discussion" quickly spread to a more general area, however,
and I'd like to toss in my 2-cents' worth. If any "in-the-clear" radio trans
missions are subject to intercept and disposition as the interceptor sees fit, then we should get concerned about our use of cordless phones. Anyone can park in front of your home and receive/record all your personal conversation that you
care to "dump" into the public domain and do whatever he/she pleases with it;
possibly resulting in some embarrassment to you and your family. As someone mentioned, it's like overhearing a conversation in any public gathering.
We can't have it both ways. Think about it.
Dube Todd
"Rights without responsibility is a dangerous dissociation"
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 89 16:24:59 EDT
Subject: RS-232 in Turbo Pascal
Anyone out there have any experience controlling the
IBM serial port (COM1 or COM2) using Turbo Pascal?
I need to turn on/off the DTR and RTS lines (in order to
send CW). This is easy in BASIC, but I can't figure out
how to do it in Pascal. I imagine it will require an
Assembly Language routine, but the addressess are unknow to